Alice’s Red Court Costume – Petticoat (Video & Diagram)

I’ve started on a new adventure! It’s a replica of Alice’s Red Court Dress from the 2010 “Alice in Wonderland!” Instead of writing blog posts about the process, I’m making YouTube videos. I’ve already shared part one and two! Thanks for looking and learning with me!

Into the Seams of Alice – Down the Hole Dress – Part 2: The Skirt

Now let’s continue down our rabbit hole and discover the details of this skirt! (If you missed part 1, click here.) ~ The Petticoat ~ The petticoat isn’t entirely noticeable at first glance, but if you’ve seen the movie, you’ll be able to catch a glimpse of it a few times.  The petticoat gives width […]

Into the Seams of Alice – Down the Hole Dress – Part 1: The Bodice

Follow me down the White Rabbit’s hole to discover the details of my Alice in Wonderland Costume Replica! Read my last post to see multiple photos of the finished dress and hear the story behind this creation.  Now, let’s scurry down to learn about the process! ~ The Bodice ~ While researching the “Down the […]

Alice in Wonderland – Down the Hole – Costume Replica

“….In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again….” ~ Lewis Carroll I guess you could say that I acted quite similar to Alice – following the White Rabbit down the rabbit hole – when deciding to make this dress…. It all started […]