With photos posted all over this blog, you probably already guessed that I’ve replicated the Ball Gown from the live-action Cinderella (2015).

After seeing this movie with my sisters, I knew at once that I had to make this dress!  I began my research just a few weeks later.  I was determined to make an exact replica, a replica that would exceed the expectations of my customers.

Though the dress isn’t “perfect” – I struggled to find the right colored silk; the bodice was difficult to structure like the one Lily James wore…but, I’m very happy with what my many hours of work produced.   I’ve been blessed to create two of these dresses for two very happy costumers, and to have another one in progress (Though this one WILL be perfect! ?  I’ll reveal more about this in an upcoming post.).

See how I made this dress here.


I just had to get in a “step-sister” pose!


I hope you’ve enjoyed the photos, but I think you’ll like the next one better…. because it’s video!

All of credit for these amazing photos, goes to Smile for Sophie Photography.

8 Responses

  1. I LOVED reading the details of the materials you use and how you put the gowns together. The quality of those sumptuous fabrics is matched only by your talents as a dressmaker. While the dresses are truly magnificent, I believe they look even more so because they are on you. You are positively radiant in them. It is so obvious that you have poured your soul into them.

    I realize this a business for you and you make them for sale but I hope that you made at least one for yourself.

  2. OMG! Is this real? Hehe! This is my dream gown. I wish to buy it once I grow up. I am just 13 years old now. Well, Its my dream to wear Cinderella’s gown on my wedding. Talking about this gown – its an incredible remake of the original piece. The fabric you used is making it look gorgeous. The layers and the butterflies- they are so mesmerising. You have done a stunning job. Well done. ?

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